Aiwadikat Technologies SMC Ltd

Information technology services in Uganda

Different types of websites

The reason as to why you need a website determines the type of website you may want to order for. There are different types of websites and all are designed according to the purpose. While designing a site, the buyer should focus on achieving the goals of the customer

Business website

This type of website presents the services/ products a business offers. The website presents a way of acquiring the products either through online purchases or physically purchasing the products at the business location. An example of a business website is

E-Commerce websites

E-commerce websites allow the display of products online and purchases through the online platform using different payment methods such as Visa card, PayPal, mobile money, and bitcoin. Usually, the website has a catalogue of products that allow online shopping and online purchase. is an example of an E-Commerce website. You browse through the products and order them online


These types of websites usually talk about a particular subject. They contain a collection of articles that are about a particular topic. At times they allow sharing of scheduled newsletters as well. Blogs are usually owned by one person. is a blog. The website talks about digital security as a topic and publishes digital security articles every Tuesday. is another blog that publishes articles that guide bloggers. Blog websites must have a consistent posting schedule as well as a focus on a particular topic because people usually follow them because of a topic. These types of websites also give room for subscription

Non-Profit website

This type of website is usually ideal for organizations. It displays activities that Non-Profit Organizations undertake depending on their area of focus. In this type of website, there is a provision for visitors to offer donations. Non-profit websites must provide evidence of what is done through publishing of past histories, their mission, and vision. The website also must provide a track record of the activities of the organization through pictures and posts

Membership websites

These types of websites often require visitors to be members before accessing content. This may be club websites, or websites focusing on a particular education aspect. These websites usually charge a particular amount of money to be able to join and access their content

Entertainment websites

These websites usually provide entertaining information and the information is usually contributed by various people who will have various content to share

School websites

These types of websites are owned by educational institutions like universities, secondary schools, technical schools. In the websites are courses offered, E-Learning environments, school fees payment methods as well as the activities that takeplace in the school


Portfolios are used by freelancers to present their work. This can be a marketing procedure or a way of acquiring donations

News websites

News websites are usually owned by media houses because every day they gather news and they just don’t want only the physical news papers to be bought but would love to cater for the news needs of online users as well.

Examples of news websites


Other types of websites you may be interested in

  • Personal websites
  • Forums

Check out our website design packages and pay for a website online at your own convenience